Corona Update: SURGE CAPACITY SOLUTIONS – The mobi is a mobile headwall (equipment consolidator) that can be set up in any space that has an electrical outlet: next to a chair, a bed, a cot in a hallway, a cafeteria, or anywhere patients need to be located. Click here for more information.
Early Patient Mobility Clinical Study
Research Study with Medical Center of the Rockies

Research Study with Medical Center of the Rockies
The Medical Center of the Rockies, in Loveland Colorado and Livengood Medical completed a joint research study in June of 2013. The study was conducted to evaluate the differences in frequency and ease of mobility between a traditional hospital room and a mobility room utilizing a LIVENGOOD mobi on a post trauma/post-surgical floor with 22 beds. The Medical Center of the Rockies is a Level 2 trauma hospital with high acuity patients.
The study evaluated patients in a traditional hospital room setup for six weeks and then with the LIVENGOOD mobi in the room for another six weeks. Data points included: number of feet walked per 24 hours, amount of staff needed for mobility, patient length of stay and nurse’s perception of patient’s willingness to mobilize in each room design.
These findings provide significant efficiency and cost savings opportunities for hospitals, and more importantly offer improved outcomes for patients and the ability for nurses to allocate more time to providing direct patient care. Improved patient mobility is a strategic initiative in today’s hospitals and the mobi is part of the solution.
Pre and Post-study subjective nursing surveys showed that nurses felt that the use of the mobi wa more efficient than typical ambulation practices and that use of the mobi made ambulating their patients easier. Nurses also thought that using the mobi made it easier for them to complete the remainder of their responsibilities.
“After completing a research study with the LIVENGOOD mobi on our post trauma/surgical floor, I realized its potential to decrease length of stay, help with staff efficiency and empower patients to be independent.”
Lorrie Henecke MS, APRN, ACNS-BC, CNRN – Medical Center of the Rockies – Loveland, CO
“LIVENGOOD platform allows my patients to be active and independent without attention being diverted to multiple lines, an oxygen tank, and other medically necessary devices. It allows patients to have hope and a sense of “normalcy”, which so often is lost after trauma or surgery.”
Jessica Gilbert, DPT Staff Physical Therapist – Medical Center of The Rockies – Loveland, CO
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